Brighton BLUEPRINT Champions

Community champions in Brighton & Hove worked alongside the city council. They engaged with households through a series of mini pilot schemes.

Community champions played an important part in helping to increase recycling. They inspired their neighbourhoods and helped to change people’s behaviour around recycling.

Here were some of the community champion activities:

  • Show people what they can recycle and how to do it.
  • Become part of a network to help people cut down on the amount they throw away. This could include repair workshops, sharing resources and ‘swap shops’.
  • Show residents how to recycle textiles, electronics and household waste.
  • Share tips for reducing food waste.
  • Show people how to use a compost bin and join communal composting schemes.
  • Contribute articles for social media, websites, newsletters and local press.
  • Help keep track of the success of the project. They will be part of the team that asks people about their experience of local schemes and knowledge.

Community champions also shared information about the circular economy. They helped their communities understand how they can reduce waste, reuse material and repair items. 

Each of the champions shared information with at least 20 other people and had the opportunity to collaborate with other volunteers.