Wivenhoe Bike Kitchen

Solution: Repair service. Owner: Wivenhoe Bike KitchenCircular Strategy: Repair.

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Established in late 2013, Wivenhoe Bike Kitchen (WBK) help people repair and fix wherever possible, extend the life of bikes by servicing/preventative care. Where possible, old or broken parts or materials are recycled, including inner tubes, cables, and various workshop waste such as plastic and paper.

Donations of components and parts are accepted and made available to users. The owners are careful to consider more environmentally friendly products such as chain oil and degreaser.


Wivenhoe, Essex.


Run by a team of experienced volunteers.

Potential circular economy impact

Repairing and maintaining the bikes value to keep people cycling and reduce car use, as well as providing the option for users to purchase second-hand bikes.

What’s involved?

People: Staff/volunteers for logistics, diagnostics and repair.

Resources: Library of tools; bike mechanics.

Technology: Website.

Implementation: Item repair.

More information

Wivenhoe Bike Kitchen website